Watch that you don't know the time

I am your God, creator, merciful father who forgives and loves everything. I want you to be always ready to welcome my calls, I want you to be always ready to come to me. You don't know the day or the hour when I call you. In this dialogue I tell you to "watch". Do not get lost in the events of this world but while living in this world always keep your eyes on the final goal, eternal life.

Many men spend their entire lives among the worries of this world and never dedicate time to me. They are ready to satisfy their earthly passions as they neglect their soul. But you all don't have to do this. You need to put your soul's needs first. I have given you commands and I want you to respect them. You can't live for your pleasure and put my law aside. If you follow my law you complete the mission that I have entrusted to you in this world and one day you will come to me and you will be blessed in Paradise.

Always watch that you don't know the time. My son Jesus was clear when he was on this earth. In fact, he said "if the landlord knew what time the thief would come, he wouldn't let his house be broken into." You do not know at what time and on what day I will call you so you must watch and be always ready to leave this world. Many men who are now with me in the world were in excellent health and yet their mission to leave the earth has come to me in an instant. Many came to me unprepared. But for you it doesn't happen like this. Try to live my grace, pray, respect my laws and always be ready with "the lamps on".

But what good is it for you to gain the whole world if you then lose your soul? You don't know that you will leave everything but with you only bring your soul? Then you worry. Live my grace. The most important thing for you and always be in grace with me then I will provide all your needs. And if you follow my will, you must understand that everything is moving in your favor. I always intervene in my children's lives to give everything they need. But I cannot satisfy your carnal passions. You must seek my will, always be ready, respect my commands and you will see how great your reward will be in the skies.

Many men live in this world as if life never ends. They never think they have to leave this world. They accumulate riches, worldly pleasures and never take care of their soul. You must always be ready. If you leave this world and have never lived my grace before me, you will feel embarrassed and you yourself will judge your conduct and move away from me forever. But I don't want this. I want every child of mine to live forever with me. I sent my son Jesus to earth to save every man and I don't want you to damn yourself forever. But many are deaf to this call. They don't even believe in me and they waste their whole life on their business.

My son, I want you to listen wholeheartedly to the call I make you in this dialogue. Live your life every moment in grace with me. Don't even allow a single second of your time to pass it away from me. Always try to be ready that as my son Jesus said "when you don't wait the son of man comes". My son must return to earth to judge each of you based on your actions. Be careful how you behave and try to follow the teachings my son left you. You cannot understand the ruin you are going through now if you don't follow my commands. You now think only of living in this world and making your life beautiful, but if you live this life away from me then eternity will be a punishment for you. You were created for eternal life. The mother of Jesus appearing many times in this world said clearly "your life is the blink of an eye". Your life compared to eternity is a moment.

My son you must always be ready. I am always ready to welcome you into my kingdom but I want you to collaborate with me. I love you and my pain is great if you live far from me. My beloved children, live every moment always ready to come to me and your reward will be great.