Come from beyond: «Everything exists! ...» an important dream

“On July 29, 1987, we three sisters [sisters] went to visit our sister Claudia, who lives in Paoloni-Piccoli, municipality of Santa Paolina (Avellino). The next day we visited Albino Gnerre's widow, over XNUMX, and her children. One of these, stopping by with our brother Father Beniamino, told him a very important dream ...

“On July 29, 1987, we three sisters [sisters] went to visit our sister Claudia, who lives in Paoloni-Piccoli, municipality of Santa Paolina (Avellino). The next day we visited Albino Gnerre's widow, over XNUMX, and her children. One of these, stopping by our brother Father Beniamino, told him a very important dream […]. This young man did not believe in the afterlife (ie the truths of the Novissimi: Judgment, Hell, Heaven). According to him the life of man is like that of the animal, it ends with death. But a close friend of his, Raffaele Paladino, who died recently, went to him in a dream. [...] Still in the dream he asked him: - You are dead ... tell me if something from the other world really exists, because I don't believe in anything and I blaspheme ...
The deceased replied:
- You hurt, you have to believe it: there is Heaven, Purgatory, Hell, Eternity… - And he kept repeating: - Everything exists! Exists! Exists! And to confirm that what I say is true, I give you these numbers that you will play on the wheel of Naples.
The young man woke up and wrote: 17, 48, 90, and put the paper in a pocket of his jacket, next to an image of the Madonna of Montevergine, forgotten for who knows how long. Every now and then the slip of numbers popped out of his pocket. Finally he played those numbers that the dead man had told him. After a few days the newspaper published the said numbers. The young man won a decent sum. The dream had come true. From that moment on he did not swear and became a practicing believer ».