Biblical Way of the Cross: Jesus carries the Cross

My dear Lord they loaded you with the heavy wood of the Cross. It is impossible to understand how a man who was in close contact with God, a man who healed, freed, worked wonders like you, now finds himself considered a criminal and sentenced to death without any divine help. Few can understand the true meaning of what you are doing now. You, my dear Jesus, are giving us a strong message, a unique message that only those who love infinitely like you can give. In this Via Crucis you describe the life of each one. You clearly tell us that Heaven is attentive to us but first we must experience condemnation, the fall, the tears, the suffering, the rejection. You tell us that before eternal life each of us must walk his way of the cross. So Jesus, I ask you to stay close to me in this Via Crucis of mine. I ask your mother Maria to stay close to me as she was close to you along the road to Calvary. And if by chance Jesus see that my path in this world that leads to you should deviate, put on my path the help of the Cyrene, the comfort of Veronica, the encounter with your Mother, the comfort of women, the consent of the good thief. . My dear Jesus, make it possible for me to live the same Way of the Cross as yours but do not allow the evil of this world to make me deviate from you. In this tiring journey you are making with the Cross on your shoulders, unite your sufferings with mine and let me one day unite your joys with mine. This is the perfect symbiosis of a true Christian, when we all suffer together and when we all rejoice together. Having the same feelings united with those of one's God.