Vicka of Medjugorje talks about marriage and how Our Lady wants it

1. Vicka and Marijo make preparations for their wedding: many speak of the event because Vicka represents for them a person who happily embodies "the school of Mary" in Medjugorje, who makes Heaven close, accessible, in a word, a a person who allows them to concretely touch the Heart of the Virgin Mary. Blessings, conversions and even healings related to Vicka's prayer or testimony are no longer counted. Among many others, here's what Elisabeth (from London) tells us this week:

“Last year, I was at the Youth Festival to be able to meet the Madonna, but I wasn't sure she should find her. I wasn't really a believer. I didn't understand why they all went to church and were always praying. It made no sense to me. I had not read any book on Medjugorje, I wanted the experience to be completely spontaneous. I thought, "If Maria is really here, she will let me know herself." I didn't want to make someone else's belief my own. So I didn't know anything about Medjugorje, about the visionaries, not even how they were made. I spent most of my time alone in bars or wandering around, crying and feeling completely alone.

One day, everyone went to the Apparition Hill to pray the Rosary. I didn't have a crown, I didn't know what it was or why people prayed like this. It seemed to me an unnecessary repetition of words, which in my opinion did not have much to do with God. Then I started walking on the road that winds its way up the hill and saw Vicka, one of the seers, in her garden. I didn't know it was Vicka because I didn't know how it was made, but as soon as I saw her, I knew she was a seer. I saw her across the street, it could have been anyone! But I immediately melted into tears because I had never seen someone so full of light and love in my life. He was radiant. Her face radiated light like a beacon; then I rushed across the street and stood there, leaning against a corner of her garden, looking at her as if I had an angel or the Madonna herself in front of me. I didn't speak to her. From that moment on, I knew that Our Lady was there and that Medjugorje was a holy place. "

Elisabeth has returned to Medjugorje these days and testifies that Mary's school and her messages have transformed her life. The loving sun of God has come to triumph over the shapeless fog that previously weighed on his heart.

2. Last Thursday, Denis Nolan and I went to find Vicka; here are some of the lines we exchanged. (It is surprising to see how naturally Vicka mastered the profound truths of the doctrine of personal freedom and responsibility, without ever having studied.)

Question: Vicka, how do you see this path of marriage you have chosen?

Vicka: Look! Whenever God calls us, we must be ready in the depths of our hearts to answer this call. I have tried to respond to God's call by sending messages over the past 20 years. I did it for God, for Our Lady. In these 20 years I have done it alone, and now nothing will change except that now I will do it through a family. God calls me to found a family, a holy family, a family for God. You know, I have a great responsibility towards people. They are looking for models, examples to follow. Then I would like to say to the young people: do not be afraid to engage in marriage, to choose this path of marriage! But, to be sure of your path, whether this or another, the most important thing is to put God first in your life, to put prayer first, to start the day with prayer and to end it with prayer. A marriage in which there is no prayer is an empty marriage which will surely not last. Where there is love, there is everything. But one thing must be underlined: love, yes. But what love? Love for God first, and then love for the person you are going to live with. And then, along the path of life, one should not expect from marriage that it is all roses and flowers, that it is all easy ... No! When sacrifices and small penances come, we must always offer them to the Lord with all our heart; every day thank the Lord for all that happened during the day. This is why I say: dear young people, dear young couples, do not be afraid! Make God the most important person in your family, the King of your family, put him first, and then He will bless you - not only you, but also all who approach you.

Q .: Will you still live in Medjugorje after your wedding?

Vicka: I will live a few kilometers from here, but I believe that most of the mornings, I will be in my place! (i.e. the staircase of the blue house). I don't have to change my mission, I know where I belong! My wedding won't change this.

D .: What can you tell us about Marijo (pronunciation: Mario), the man you will marry on January 26th?

Vicka: It is difficult for me to talk about it. But there is one thing between us: prayer. He is a man of prayer. He is a good, capable man. He is a deep man, which is very nice. Besides, we are very well together. There is truly love between us; so then, little by little, we will build on this.

D .: Vicka, how can a girl know which man to marry?

Vicka: You know, with prayer for sure, the Lord and Our Lady are ready to answer you. If you ask in prayer what your vocation is, the Lord will certainly answer you. You must have goodwill. But you don't have to be rushed. You don't have to go too fast and say looking at the first guy you meet: "This is the guy for me." No, you don't have to do this! We must go slowly, pray and wait for the moment of God. The right moment. You have to be patient and wait for He, God, to send you the right person. Patience is very important. We all tend to lose patience, we hurry too much and afterwards, when we made a mistake, we say: “But why, Lord? This man wasn't really for me. " True, it wasn't for you, but you had to be patient. Without patience and without prayer, nothing can go well. Today we need to be much more patient, more open, to respond to what the Lord wants.

And once he has found the person to marry, if one or the other fears the change of life and says to himself: "Oh, but I will be better alone", he actually harbored a fear in himself. No! We must first free ourselves from all that disturbs us, and only afterwards will we be able to do the will of God. We cannot ask for a grace and say: "Lord, do me this grace" when we have a great inner block; this grace will never reach us because within us we are not yet ready to receive it. The Lord has given us freedom, he has also given us a good will, and then we must get rid of our inner blocks. Then it is up to us to be free or not. We all tend to say: "God here, God there, do this, do that" ... God acts, he is sure! But I myself must cooperate with him and have the will. I have to say, "I want it, so I do it."

D .: Vicka, have you asked Our Lady for her opinion on your marriage?

Vicka: But see, I am like everyone else, the Lord has given me the opportunity to choose. I have to choose with all my heart. It would be too convenient for Our Lady to say to us: "Do this, do that". No, you don't use these methods. God has given us all great gifts so that we could understand internally what He has in store for us (Vicka did not ask the Madonna questions about her marriage because "I never ask her questions for myself," she says).

D .: Vicka, for many people consecrated in celibacy, you represented their "model" in Medjugorje a little. Now they see you getting married, do you have something to tell them?

Vicka: You see, during these 20 years, God has called me to be an instrument in his hands in this way (in celibacy). If I represented a "model" for these people, nothing changes today! I don't see the difference! If you take someone as an example to follow, you must also let them answer the call of God. If God now wants to call me to a family life, to a holy family, it is that God wants this example, and I have to answer it. For our life, we don't have to look at what others are doing, but to look in ourselves and find in ourselves what God calls us to. He called me to live 20 years in this way, now he calls me to another thing and I have to thank him. I must also answer him for this other part of my life. Today God needs examples of good families, and I believe that Our Lady wants to make me an example of this type of life now. The example, the testimony that the Lord expects us to give, will not be found by looking at others, but by listening, each as far as he is concerned, to God's personal call. Here is the testimony we can give! We must not seek our personal satisfaction, nor do what we want. No, we really need to do what God wants us to do. Sometimes we are too attached to what we like and we look too little at what instead God likes. In this way we can live a whole life, let time pass and realize only at the last moment that we were wrong. Time has passed and we have not finished anything. But it is today that God gives you eyes in your heart, eyes in your soul to be able to see and not waste the time that is given to you. This time is a time of grace, but it is a time in which you have to make choices and be more determined every day on the path we have chosen.

Dear Gospa, how precious your school of love is!

Lead us to a profound relationship with God,

help us live true freedom!