Vicka of Medjugorje: I tell you what Our Lady is looking for from us

Q. Do you always have apparitions?

R. Yes, every day at the usual time.

D. And where?

R. At home, or where I am, here or by the sick when I visit them.

Q. Is it always the same, now as in the beginning?

R. Always the same, but the encounter with you is always new, it cannot be described with words and cannot be compared to other encounters, even if you are the best mother or friend.

D. A spiritual guide of visionaries in Italy is amazed that the visionaries of Medjugorje never speak of a Madonna who weeps or who is sad.

R. No, I often see you sad because things in the world are not going well. I said that in certain periods the Madonna was very sad. He cried the first few days saying: Peace, peace, peace !, but he also cried because men live in sin, or do not understand Holy Mass or do not welcome the Word of God. But, even if it is sad, you always do not want that we look to evil, but it gives confidence in the future: for this reason it calls us back to prayer and fasting that everything can.

Q. And what does Our Lady do when she appears?

R. Pray with me or say a few words.

D. For example?

R. He says his desires, recommends to pray for peace, for the young, to live his messages to overcome Satan who tries to deceive everyone about what is not worth; to pray for his plans to come true, he asks to read and meditate a passage from the Bible every day ...

Q. Does it say anything to you personally?

R. What he says for everyone says it for me too.

D. And you don't ask for anything for yourself?

R. This is the last thing I think about.

Q. When will you publish the story Our Lady told you of her life?

R. Everything is ready and will be published only when you say so.

Q. Do you live in the new house now?

R. No, always in the old one with mom, dad and three brothers.

Q. But don't you also have a new house?

A. Yes, but that is for my brother who has a family and for two other brothers with him.

D. But do you go to Mass every day?

R. Of course, it is the most important thing. Sometimes I go to church in the morning, sometimes here, sometimes some priests come to my house and celebrate there in front of a few people.

D. Vicka, unlike the other visionaries, you are not getting married. This makes you a little more than everyone. Marriage for a person who is called to you is a great sacrament and today, in the midst of the collapse of the family, we need holy families, as I think those of the visionaries are. But the condition of virginity brings you closer to the model of the visionaries we have before our eyes, such as Bernadette, the shepherd children of Fatima, Melania of La Salette, who consecrated themselves entirely to God ...

R. See? My status allows me to always be available to God and pilgrims for a testimony, having no other bonds that prevent me, like when one has a family ...

D. This is why you have become the most sought and popular visionary. Now I heard that maybe you will go to Africa with Father Slavko: or do you prefer to stay at home?

R. I prefer nothing. I am indifferent to going or staying. For me what the Lord wants will be the same, to be here or to be there. (And here with all the ardor of her saying dressed with a smile, she is keen to make her understand that she wants to go where God wants).

Q. Are you okay now?

R. Very well -replies- (and in fact you notice a good physical appearance). The arm is healed, I no longer feel any harm. (And after enjoying a good typical Bergamo dish ... and a nice roasted fish, he goes to lend a hand in the kitchen where there is something to do ... for the cheerful brigade of 60 guests, including young people and guests).

Other Vicka confidences

Q. Does Our Lady give the same graces today as in the beginning?

R. Yes, all is that we are open to receive what you want to give us. When we have no problems, we forget to pray. When there are problems, however, we turn to you for help and to solve them. But first of all we must expect what you want to give us; later, we will tell you what we need. What counts is the realization of his plans, which are those of God, not our intentions.

Q. What about young people who feel the emptiness and total absurdity of their life?

R. And because they overshadowed what made real sense. They must change and reserve the first place in their lives for Jesus. How much time they waste at the bar or disco! If they found half an hour to pray, the void would cease.

Q. But how can we give Jesus the first place?

A. Start with prayer to learn about Jesus as a person. It is not enough to say: we believe in God, in Jesus, which are found somewhere or beyond the clouds. We must ask Jesus to give us the strength to meet him in our heart so that he can enter our life and guide us in everything we do. Then progress in prayer.

Q. Why do you always talk about the Cross?

R. Once Mary came with her crucified Son. Just see once how much he suffered for us! But we don't see it and we continue to offend it every day. The Cross is something great for us too, if we accept it. Each has its cross. When you accept it, it is as if it disappeared and then you perceive how much Jesus loves us and what price he paid for us. Suffering is also such a great gift, of which we must be grateful to God. He knows why he gave it to us and even when he will take it away from us: he asks for our patience. Don't say: why me? We do not know the value of suffering before God: we ask for the strength to accept it with love.