Vicka of Medjugorje: How to love one's enemies?

Vicka of Medjugorje: How to love one's enemies?

Vicka teaches with deeds and words and ... with her smile. Horror and hatred flare up, sometimes even among the best. And this is understood, because horror leads to rebellion. Vicka instead, goes all the way in proclaiming the Gospel message of love to enemies. That she has it in her heart is already a great thing. Lech Walesa in prison was unable to forgive and got away in a wonderful way by entrusting his forgiveness to Maria to whom he had totally given himself. He concluded the prayer by saying, "Forgive those who offend us when we can't." To love one's enemies one arrives there with the grace of God. But in a situation of violence and hatred how can one dare to proclaim this love concretely to ears that would not know how to understand it? How to do it without causing anger and retaliation?

Vicka replies: “We must pray for the Serbian people whatever you do against us. If we do not show that we love him, if we do not give the example of love and forgiveness, then this war cannot stop. The most important thing for us is not to try to take revenge. If we say: "He who hurt me must pay, I will do the same to him", this war will have no end. Instead we must forgive and say: "O God, I thank you for what happens to my people and I pray for Serbs, because they really don't know what they are doing. "

May our prayers touch their hearts and make them understand that this war does not lead anywhere. " Vicka goes all the way to this love message, goes further than all the others. It is true, he says like the others, that war can only be stopped with prayer and fasting, but goes further: it dares to add another more forgotten point: peace can only come through love, including love towards their enemies.

In this regard, I experienced great pain in finding one of the most important messages of Our Lady, generally unknown. In fact, she was nowhere to be found and I had it thanks to Mons. Franic, archbishop of Spaiato, who received it from the visionaries and me he communicated it in 84. In a time when hatred was already great, he dared to repeat this almost forgotten message: "Love your Serbian - Orthodox brothers. Love your Muslim brothers. Love those who govern you. "(At that time the communists).

Vicka, more than anything else, understands and lives the message of Medjugorje. May by his example teach us to love our enemies. This is easier for us when we have few, when they are not very dangerous, when they do not risk taking everything, including our life.

Source: R. Laurentin from "Chrétiens Magazin", 15.10.92, reduced and translated by Sabrina