Vicka the visionary of Medjugorje speaks of her recovery thanks to Our Lady

Father Slavko in the instructions to the Italian pilgrims of the Christmas season repeated the following on the healing of Vicka.

“For more than three years she suffered from very severe and mysterious pains that doctors were unable to diagnose: they were not in fact due to illness but were of other origin. At the end of January, Our Lady announced that on September 25 she would free her from those pains. She then wrote a letter closed on February 4, to the Franciscan Father Janko Bubalo of her trust, which was sent to the Episcopal Commission to be opened on September 25, the day when the girl was truly freed from pain. On the occasion, the President of the CEI, Komarica, Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka, also came to Medjugorje, who opened the letter and read it.

Maria had asked Vicka if she accepted this suffering and had given her time to respond, she accepted and offered her suffering.

We cannot choose our suffering but offer it, and then we do the will of God. Even our cross can become holy. "Pray to be able to carry your cross with love, as Jesus carried it out of love," said Mary in a message.

After this trial Vicka became a special messenger of suffering, convinced that it is possible to suffer with love. (That's why wherever he goes, dog on a mission, he visits the sick and brings this message of hope to them - editor's note). You can pray for healing, but when there is suffering it is necessary to pray to be able to bring it with honor and thus discover the love of the Lord ”.