We are alive, do we realize it?…. by Viviana Rispoli (hermit)


When in prayer in the morning and evening vigil, among the many words of the psalms and prayers, I recite ". Your Mercy has led us to this hour" my spirit has like a thrill is a thrill of gratitude that attests to my heart and acknowledges to God that to live, to be alive, is not my right, it is not something to be taken for granted, and not even something that I wanted or deserved but a great priceless gift that I have received and it has been since God accompanied, a great opportunity that has been given to us but which can be taken away from us at any time and therefore must be lived to the fullest. Preciousness of a time that does not return, preciousness of a time that is now, everything to be invested in order to love, to live in the truth of what we are "children of God therefore of" the preciousness of a time that calls us back to ourselves for decide to change the things that are not right, to decide that our life, this gift of ours, must become more and more a gift to God who gave it to us, a gift for the brothers who puts us next to us or makes us meet by chance. Help us our God to live in thanksgiving for our life and for everything, help us not to waste the wonderful talent that is the time you have decided for each of us on this earth. How many things would we let slip on us if we knew we had little time, how many angers, how many human claims even just but that do not serve the cause of God, how much we would avoid the time wasted in nonsense, in complaints, in idleness, in things that for the Kingdom of Heaven they do not make us accumulate anything but rather they steal it from us. No, with your Grace Lord and with obedience to Your Word we will be the ones to steal Heaven and make this life of ours a miracle of Your Love.