Live my grace

I am your God, father creator of immense glory and infinite goodness. My son, do not attach your heart to this world, but live my grace every day of your life. Many men don't look for me and think only of satisfying their earthly needs but I don't want this from you. I want you to love me as I love you, I want you to seek me, that you invoke me and I will give you all the necessary graces you need. My son Jesus in his earthly life was in continuous communion with me and I moved in his favor. I did everything for him. I want to do it with you too. I want you to invoke me wholeheartedly just like my son Jesus did.

You must always live my grace. Try to have compassion on the weaker brothers. I myself have placed before you brothers who need you. Thou shalt not be deaf to their call. Jesus said "if you do something for these my little children and how you did it to me". That's right. If you move with compassion for your most needy brothers and how you do it to me, I who am the father of all and the God of life. I don't want you to think only about your worldly interests but I want you to give love to your brothers. My son Jesus said "love one another as I have loved you". You must follow this advice from my son. I have immense love for each of you and I want unconditional and brotherly love to reign among you.

Live my grace. I ask you to always pray without ever getting tired. Prayer is the most powerful weapon you can have. Without prayer there is no breath for the soul but only through prayer can you receive the long-awaited graces. There are men in this world who spend their entire lives without praying. How can I welcome these men into my kingdom? My kingdom is a place of praise, of prayer, of thanksgiving, where all souls united only to me and are happy forever. If you don't pray how can you continue to live in this place after death? Without prayer how can you obtain the spiritual graces of salvation? Over the centuries both Mary and Jesus appeared to souls chosen to spread the prayer and made heavenly promises for those who prayed. You must believe in this and you must attach yourself to prayer to receive the light of eternal salvation.

You must live my grace. Respect my commands. I have given laws to respect in order for you to be free men and not subject to slavery. Sin enslaves you while my law makes you free men, men who love their God and his kingdom. Sin reigns everywhere in this world. I see many of my children going to ruin as they don't respect my commands. Many ruin their existence while others think only of wealth. But you must not attach your heart to the passions of this world but to me who am your creator. Men who respect my commands and are humble live in this world happy, they know that I am close to them and if sometimes their faith and being tested do not lose hope but always trust in me. I want this from you my beloved creature. I can't bear that you don't live my friendship and stay away from me. I who am almighty have immense pain to see men who are in ruins and live far from me.

My beloved son in this dialogue I wanted to give you the weapons of salvation, the weapons to live my grace. If you are charitable, pray and respect my commands you are a blessed, a man who has understood the true meaning of life, a man who needs nothing since he has everything, lives my grace. There is no greater treasure than my grace. Do not seek vain things in this world but seek my grace. If you live my grace I will one day welcome you into my kingdom and celebrate with you my beloved creature. If you live my grace you will be happy in this world and you will see that you will lack nothing.

My children live my grace. Only in this way can you rejoice my heart and I am happy since I only want this from you, who are in grace with me. I love you so much and I will move to your compassion my beloved children who live my grace.