Vladimir Efremov, a scientist returned from the afterlife

The sensational revelations of the physicist "Vladimir Efremov" miraculously returned from the afterlife.

In his scientific treatises Efremov described the afterlife with mathematical and physical terms. In this context, however, the technical-mathematical language will be avoided in favor of a simple description, within everyone's reach. Vladimir Efremov then describes the world of the afterlife, which he experienced during an experience of sudden death, in these terms: “Any comparison will be false. The processes there are not as linear as we are here, they are not extended over time, and they flow simultaneously in all directions. The subjects in the afterlife present themselves as concentrates of information, the content of which determines the place in which they find themselves and the qualities of their existence. "

Chief engineer-designer of the Projects Section for “Impuls”, Vladimir Efremov died suddenly, suffocating in the house due to a strong cough. The relatives at first did not understand what had happened. They thought it took him a moment to rest. It was her sister Natalia, the first to notice what had happened. Natalia being a doctor and feeling that his heart was not beating then began to practice artificial respiration, but his brother did not breathe. He then made an attempt to "set the heart in motion" by massaging his chest. Eight minutes had passed when his hands felt a very weak response. His heart began to beat again and Vladimir Efremov began to breathe on his own. As soon as he recovered he said: “Death does not exist, there is life there too. Different though. Better ... "

Vladimir then described what he had experienced in those minutes of clinical death in great detail. His testimonies are therefore precious. And they represent a first scientific study on life in the afterlife, carried out by a scientist who experienced death firsthand. Efremov then published his observations in a scientific journal of the University of St. Petersburg, and later told the whole story at a scientific congress, where his report was highly appreciated by the scientists present.

The passage:
Vladimir Efremov's reputation in science is impeccable. He is a great specialist in the field of artificial intelligence and for many years he worked for "Impuls". He participated in the preparation for the launch of Yuri Gagarin in the cosmos, and contributed to the development of super modern missile systems. Its scientific staff has been awarded four times in the scientific field.

"Before clinical death I considered myself an absolutely atheist" - says Vladimir Efremov - "I only trusted the facts". “I considered all opium reflections on life in the afterlife religious. To tell the truth, I never seriously thought about death, even if I had heart problems and other ailments. But I was so busy ... Then the fact happened: at my sister Natalia's house I had a coughing attack. I felt that I was suffocating. My lungs didn't obey me, I tried to take a breath but I couldn't! The body had become cotton wool, the heart had stopped. The last air came out of the lungs with a rattle. A fulminating thought then appeared in my brain ... I thought it was the last second of my life. But the conscience inexplicably did not come off and suddenly the sensation of an incredible lightness appeared. I no longer had a sore throat, heart or stomach. I had felt so good only in childhood. I didn't feel my body and I didn't even see it. But all my senses and memories remained with me. Also I was flying through a gigantic tunnel. The flight sensations seemed familiar to me because I had already experienced them in dreams. Mentally I was trying to slow down or change direction. There was no fear or terror, only bliss. I tried to analyze what had happened and the conclusions came immediately: the world I had happened to really existed. So I reasoned, I existed. My reasoning also had deductive quality, since I was able to change the direction and speed of my flight. "

The Tunnel:
“Everything was fresh, clear and interesting” - continues Vladimir Efremov - “my conscience worked in an absolutely different way than before. He embraced everything simultaneously, there was no time or distance. I admired the surrounding world that seemed to be rolled up in a tunnel. I didn't see the sun, but I was immersed in a homogeneous light, without shadows. On the walls of the tunnel we could see strange structures resembling reliefs. The low and the high could not be distinguished. I tried to remember the place I flew over. There were mountains and I remember the landscape. The volume of my memory was truly abysmal. I could move with the thought. What amazement! It was a real teleportation. ”

The TV:
“I made a crazy thought: I mentally imagined the old broken TV that was in my house and I could see it from all sides simultaneously. I knew all about him, who knows how ... even where it was made. I knew where the ore used to melt the metal for the construction of the TV had been taken. I also knew who the owner of the steel foundry who built it was, I knew he had a wife and problems with his mother-in-law. I saw everything related to that TV, every little detail of it. And above all, now I knew exactly which piece of it was broken. ” “When I recovered, I replaced the T-350 transistor and the TV started working again ... I had a feeling of omnipotence of thought. Our Project Section for two years had been struggling behind a certain project. Suddenly, I saw the whole problem in its versatility. And the algorithm of the solution appeared by itself ".

“The awareness of not being alone in this world came gradually. My computer interaction with the surrounding environment lost its unilateral character. At every question I asked in my consciousness there was a light. At first I perceived these responses as the result of reflections. But the information that came to me was beyond the knowledge I had in life. The knowledge received in those circumstances far exceeded my scientific background! I knew I was being led by someone omnipresent who has no limits. He has unlimited potential, he is omnipotent and full of love. This invisible Entity, but perceptible to my whole being, did everything to not frighten me. I understood that he showed me the events and problems with their whole chain of cause-effect links. I didn't see it, but I felt it intensely. I knew it was God ... I suddenly noticed that something stopped me. He then felt me ​​pulled out like a carrot from the earth. I didn't want to go back ... everything was so good. Then I saw my sister. She was scared, but I was shining with amazement. "

The Comparison:
Vladimir Efremov continues his description: “We have already said that the processes in the afterlife are not linear and extended in time as on Earth, but flow simultaneously in all directions. The subjects in the afterlife are presented as concentrates of information and everything is in a single chain of cause-effect links. Objects and their characteristics form a global structure in which everything works according to the laws of God. Only He has the power to create, change or eliminate any object, quality or process, including the course of time. "

“But how free is man in his actions, how free are his conscience and soul? Man, as a source of information, can influence objects in the sphere admissible to him. In fact, my will could change the reliefs of the tunnel, and give birth to the objects I wanted. The whole thing closely resembled what was described in the films "Solaris" and "Matrix". But both worlds, ours and that of the afterlife are real. They interact constantly, even though they are autonomous: they form a global intellectual system directed by the subject-God. Our world is simpler to understand, has constants that maintain the integrity of the laws of nature, and time plays an important role as a binding principle. "

“Constants do not exist at all in the afterlife, or there are very few of them in our world and they can vary. In that world there are information concentrates that contain all the known and unknown characteristics of material objects, but with the total absence of the objects themselves. Furthermore, I understood that in that context man sees exactly what he wants to see. This is why descriptions of the afterlife often differ. A righteous sees heaven, a sinner sees hell ... For me, death was a joy that I cannot compare to anything existing on Earth. Even love for a woman compared to what I have experienced is nothing ... "

The Holy Scriptures:
Vladimir found in the Holy Scriptures the confirmations of his experience and his reasonings about the informative substance of the world. In the "Gospel of John" it is written that: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was of God." Everything started from Him and nothing started existence without Him. The Word represents the very informative substance that contains the meaning of everything.