Do you want to free Anime from Purgatory, even your loved ones? Recite this short chaplet

Coarse grains

Eternal Father, Eternal Love, Come to us with your Love and destroy from our heart all that gives you pain. Pater ...

Small grains

Eternal Father, I offer you the Blood of Jesus Christ for the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the sanctification of Priests and the conversion of sinners, for the dying and the souls of Purgatory.


10 Glory to the Father ...

St. Mary Magdalene De 'Pazzi offered the Divine Blood 50 times every day. Jesus, appearing to her, said: Since you make this offer, you cannot imagine how many sinners have converted and how many souls have come out of Purgatory!

(Let's recite it every day ...)

Our Lord told Saint Geltrude the Great that the following prayer would free a thousand souls from Purgatory whenever it is said with love.
The prayer was then extended also to living sinners.

Eternal Father, I offer the Precious Blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said all over the world, today, for all the holy Souls of Purgatory for sinners everywhere, for sinners of the universal Church, those of my home and within my family.