What does the gesture of placing your hand on the tomb of St. Anthony represent?

Today we want to tell you about the characteristic gesture of placing the hand that many pilgrims make in front of the tomb of San Antonio. The tradition of touching the tomb of St. Anthony with the hand dates back centuries, when pilgrims sought solace and protection in this sacred place.


St. Anthony is known as the patron saint of lost objects and gods desperate cases. People turn to him for help and venerate him as a powerful intercessor with God. The gesture that many make in front of his tomb symbolizes this request for help and the hope of receiving a special grace.

This gesture is also a act of devotion and of trust in the sanctity of St. Anthony. People believe that touching his grave will bring blessings and protection in their daily life.


But because in this gesture many see a symbol of hope for the future? The answer lies in the fact that by touching the grave, people try to find one solution to their problems and hope that the saint intercede for them. This gesture of faith and trust represents an opening towards the future, towards the possibility of a positive change and a resolution to their problems.

In any case, this apparently trivial gesture, for every pilgrim or faithful, who has loved the saint it is a way of feel close to him, a way to receive that warmth and hug they need. Each person is a story in itself and encloses a world, made up of joys and pains that in some way, tries to share.

Prayer of Saint Anthony to God

Look at us, Father,
that we were the cause
of the death of Christ your Son.

in his name,
as he taught us,
we ask you to give us yourself
because without you we cannot live.

You who are blessed and glorious forever. Amen