What did Jesus say to Saint Faustina Kowalska about the End Times

Our Lord a Saint Faustina Kowalska, about the end of time, he said: “My daughter, speak to the world of My Mercy; that all humanity recognizes My unfathomable Mercy. It is a sign for the end times; then the day of justice will come. As long as there is still time, let them resort to the source of My Mercy; take advantage of the blood and water that flow for them ". Diary, 848.

"You will prepare the world for my final coming". Diary, 429.

"Write this: before I come as a Just Judge, I come first as King of Mercy". Diary, 83.

“You write: before I come as a just judge, I first open wide the door of my mercy. Whoever refuses to pass through the door of My Mercy must pass through the door of My Justice… ”. Diary, 1146.

"Secretary of My Mercy, write, tell the souls of this great mercy of mine, because the terrible day is near, the day of my justice". Diary, 965.

“Before the Day of Justice I send the Day of Mercy”. Diary, 1588.

“I extend the time of mercy for sinners. But woe to them if they do not recognize this time of My visitation. My daughter, secretary of My Mercy, your duty is not only to write and proclaim My Mercy, but also to implore this grace for them, so that they too may glorify My Mercy ”. Diary, 1160

"I have a special love for Poland and, if it is obedient to my will, I will exalt it in power and holiness. From her the spark will come out that will prepare the world for My final coming ”. Diary, 1732

Words of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, to Saint Faustina): "... You must speak to the world of his great mercy and to prepare the world for the second coming of the One who will come, not as a merciful Savior, but as a just Judge. Or, how awful that day will be! Determined is the day of justice, the day of divine wrath. Angels tremble before it. Speak to the souls of this great mercy while it is still time to grant mercy ”. Diary, 635.