What do the seven stars represent in Revelation?

Le seven stars in Apocalypse what do they represent? A question that many faithful ask themselves after reading this passage in the Holy Scriptures. In chapters 1–3 of Revelation, commonly recognized as Revelation is the last book of the New Testament hence the last book of the Bible. This book is even more difficult to understand, also called “Giovannian literature”, in fact it reveals the presence of Saint John.

At one point, the quote is referred to four times "Seven stars".The number seven is mentioned several times as: seven candelabrumi, seven spiritie seven churches . Let's understand together in this passage what these seven stars are associated with three different words .. Let's start with the first few chapters of the Apocalypse contain letters of Jesus to seven historic churches of Asia Minor.

John hears "a voice as loud as a trumpet" behind him. He turns and sees a vision of the Lord Jesus in His glory. The Lord is standing in the midst of seven golden candlesticks and in his right hand he was holding seven stars. John falls at Jesus' feet "as if he were dead". Jesus then revives John, strengthens him for the task of writing the next revelation. His authority. The right hand is a sign of strength and control. Jesus explains to John that the "stars are the angels of the seven churches". An "angel" is literally represented by the fact. While the stars that are in the right hand of Jesus indicate that they are important and under a "messenger".

What do the seven stars represent in Revelation? are they human messengers or heavenly beings?

What do the seven stars represent in Revelation? It is these messengers human or beings heavenly? It could be that every local church has a “guardian angel” who oversees and protects that congregation. Even so, a better interpretation of the "messengers" of Revelation 1 is that they are the pastors or bishops of the seven churches, symbolized by the candlesticks. A pastor is God's "messenger" to the church as he has the responsibility to preach faithfully the Word of God to them. John's vision shows that each shepherd is held in the right hand of the Lord. no one can snatch them from the hand of God.