Where are the Sacred Relics of the Cross of Jesus found? Prayer

All the faithful can venerate the Sacred Relics of the Cross of Jesus in Rome in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, visible through a glass case.

The Sacred Relics of the Cross of Jesus

Tradition has it that the Sacred Relics of the Cross of Jesus were brought from Saint Helena to Rome following a journey of hers along with nails used for crucifixion.

To commemorate the Passion of Christ, fragments of the Grotto of the Nativity and the Holy Sepulcher, the phalanx of the finger of St. Thomas, the Gallows of the Good Thief and two thorns from the Crown of Jesus have been added alongside these relics.

We can all approach the relics and remember the passion of Christ by reciting a supplication:

O God that you can do everything,

O Christ, who suffered death on the holy wood for all our sins, hear us.

Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Holy Cross of Christ, you are my (our) hope.

Holy Cross of Jesus Christ away from me (us) all hazards

and protect us from the wounds of weapons and sharp objects.

Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, free me (free us) from accidents.

Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, turn away evil spirits from me (us).

Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, pour all your good on me (us).

Holy Cross of Jesus Christ away from me (us) all the evil.

Holy Cross of Jesus Christ the King, I will adore you (adore) forever.

Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, help me (help us) to follow the path of salvation.

Jesus, lead me (lead us) to eternal life. Amen.

Don Leonardo Maria Pompeii