What is the purpose of religion?

Today we will talk about the New Revelation of God and the religions of the world.

First, you must understand that God initiated all the great religions of the world, and in each case He sent a Messenger from the Angelic Assembly to initiate these traditions in the beginning.

All the great Messengers have come from the Assembly, so they are inherently united, you see. They have all been sent from the Source, your Source and the Source of all the religions of the world.

But living in Separation, people separated religions from each other and also internally, separating everything that needed to be united, misunderstanding the meaning and value of the Messengers and what they were really presenting.

But this limitation is understood by God, because you cannot understand God's Higher Plan for the world that is living for the moment. Living in Separation, you cannot yet see the larger panorama of things. Because each religion was to be a brick in the development and evolution of humanity, preparing humanity for a future different from the past.

The great Revelations were given at crucial moments in human history, times not only of change and challenge, but times of great opportunity in which these Revelations could spread. They were placed in certain places for this purpose, places where the Message could go beyond a tribe or a group or a nation, at times of greater opportunity than anyone could see at that moment.

Here you must understand that the religions of the world are all part of a Greater Plan. And although they are distinct from each other in a certain way, their distinction represents their unique contribution to the growing wisdom, compassion and ethics of the human family.

Because God knows that not everyone can follow a teaching or a teacher or even an interpretation. Living in Separation, you do not yet have the skill and development to do so. And if an interpretation is imposed on the people, it becomes a form of oppression and is counterproductive in that way.

What we tell you here today is very different from how religion is viewed and used in this world and, in fact, from how it is viewed and used throughout the universe. Because all who live in physical reality are living in Separation - separation from their Source and the timeless reality from which all came and to which all will eventually return. This is beyond human understanding and certainly beyond any possibility of religious understanding.

This increased understanding now of the unity of the world's religions, the unity of their Source and intention, is vital because all must now play a role in building human cooperation to face a declining world, a world of environmental upheaval, a world of growing economic and social upheaval - a reality that the human family has never had to face before; a reality created by humanity's misuse of the world and its contamination of your air, water and soil, which now has the power to undermine human civilization and create a human tragedy unlike anything it is never been seen here before. It's bigger than all your wars combined.

Because the Great Waves of Change are coming and have already begun. The world will get warmer. The crops will fail. The water will dry out or flood in some places. The world economy will be shaken. And people's livelihoods will be upset.

That's why God has spoken again. And this is why God has to face the plight of world religions because they are in conflict with each other and even internally divided. And religious violence is now growing in the world and will grow further as the Great Waves of Change affect more and more people, depriving them of their security, depriving them of the basis to live here.

The religions of the world are all given as constitutive elements of human civilization. Each block is not like another. Each block is unique, bringing something unique to humanity's understanding and perspective. But to see this, you need to see beyond your desire for Separation, where you try to make everything unique and separate to validate yourself and your ideas.

We are giving you the Will of Heaven here and how Heaven looks to the religions of the world, like the spokes of a wheel, around the central axis of the Creator. They are all rivers that move towards the same sea. They seem separate and unique in their characteristics, in their landscapes, but they all lead to the same result.

To see this, you will have to change your religious beliefs and adapt your understanding, because there is no one religion for all, because that can never be. God knows even though people are still confused.

There is no final Revelation because God has more to say to the world as humanity is now facing thresholds it has never faced before, standing on the threshold of space, meeting others from the universe who are here in the world to undermine the human authority and sovereignty here.

You are living in a condition never seen before in the history of human civilization. You are in a new juncture. And the religions of the world cannot prepare you for this. They were not given for this purpose, given in antiquity.

Now a new building block must be given to complete the picture and carry it forward so that humanity can be prepared for its new future and live in a new world environment, where human cooperation and unity will be necessary for survival. and the welfare of humanity. to be.

God's New Revelation, therefore, must bring great correction and clarification and will challenge many of the fundamental ideas and beliefs that separate the world's religions and bring them into conflict with each other. Because their fundamental unity is due to their Source and their Source's intention to provide them with critical turning points for humanity.

They are all there, giving their unique service to humanity. And people are called to participate in one of them. Because in this matter, you cannot just create your own path, because the great paths have been given.

But because they have been misused and misunderstood, subject to human adoption and corruption, many people have walked away dismayed, confused and disappointed, seeing how the world's religions have been used as flags of war, have been used to cruelly suppress the peoples, ignorant, stupidly, against the will of the Creator.

Many people have strayed from the traditions that should serve them. And now people are lost, thinking they can create their own path, borrowing from this or borrowing from that. But only God knows the way back. You cannot create your own way, based on human preference and human admonition.

People have been assigned to one of the great traditions, but now they are alienated from it, driven out into the world with all its persuasions, its denigration, its harshness, its cruelty.

Therefore, great clarification must be brought to the religions of the world or they will continue to divide humanity, each claiming to be exclusive, each claiming to have the dominion or preference of God over the others, full of ambitious people, adopted by governments for the own purposes.

Let it be clear, then, that religion can never be used as a banner of war or a justification for cruelty, torture, punishment or death. All of this represents humanity's abuse of the great religions and the misunderstanding of their purpose in building human unity, human values ​​and human ethics.

War and punishment are done for other reasons. Never claim that God justifies or directed such things, as this is a grave misunderstanding. Hurting others in the name of God is a crime against God, God's will and purpose, and God's intention regarding the establishment of the great traditions.

You can see here from what we tell you today that this is very different from what people proclaim about their religion, what they believe in or are taught to believe. Because they have all been corrupted in a certain way.

For a Christian not to help a Muslim, or for a Muslim not to help a Jew, or for a Jew not to help a Hindu is the central problem. Now religion is part of the problem and not part of the solution as it was intended, as it was always understood.

Basically, all religions are here to bring you to the Knowledge that God has placed within you to guide you and to initiate a process of redemption that would be implemented step by step in your life and circumstances if you were able to follow this guide correctly.

It will require great compassion and forgiveness. It will require you to see your life and others in a different way and not fall prey to the seductions of hatred and discrimination.

There is always a distinction between the Will of Heaven and people's understanding. But in order to bridge this gap within you, you must take the Steps to this Knowledge that we speak of. Because it represents the part of you that has never left God and can receive God's Will for you, in particular.

In this, you will not be in conflict with others because Knowledge within you is not in conflict with Knowledge in others.

They are the beliefs of the mind. It is the social and religious conditioning of the mind. It is your preferences, your anger and your lack of forgiveness that hinder this greater recognition, which would free you from so much suffering and a sense of unworthiness.

So God has to speak again to prepare you for the Great Waves of change coming to the world. God must speak again to prepare you for your encounter with a universe full of intelligent life, a non-human universe where freedom is so rare.

And God must speak again to bring correction and clarification to the world's religions so that they can have a chance to realize their true purpose and destiny here, which is to generate greater cooperation and unity, forgiveness and compassion between the tribes and the nations of the world. .

They are all meant to serve in this capacity in their own unique ways and to provide unique perspectives and understanding to balance each other and to lead humanity back to their primary relationship with God.

Here you must understand that the Messengers are not gods. They all come from the Angelic Assembly. Half holy and half human they are, greater than any other person in the world in this respect. But you can't worship them. You cannot appeal to them for favors and dispensations. This you have to appeal to God directly.

Everything we tell you here today will require a lot of consideration. And many people will reject these things to defend their beliefs and ideas and invest in their religious perspective or their social or religious position in society. They will be blind to the God they claim to follow.

Because if you cannot receive God's New Revelation, what does this mean about your relationship with God? It means that you are in a relationship with humanity's understanding of God, but your relationship with God is still not strong enough to ignore these things.

It is a great challenge at the time of Revelation. Whenever this has happened, perhaps once in a millennium, it is always a great challenge for the recipient.

Can they listen again? Can they answer? Can they go beyond their beliefs and the things that circumscribe them? Do they have the heart and the will to know the truth beyond human ideology?

Because no religious understanding in the world can understand God's Purpose and Plan in this world, let alone the universe beyond you, a universe so large and vast that your intellect is too small to understand.

We are telling you these things so that the true purpose and beginning of the world's religions can be rekindled and rediscovered. But for that, you must follow the Knowledge that God has placed within you, because your mind is too conditioned, too afraid of change, too limited by your conditioning, and for many people, too oppressed by poverty and religious politics and oppression. in the world.

You have to appeal to your deeper consciousness that God placed within you in the beginning. This is not to make you a great saint or avatar or a great messenger, but to enable you to discover your unique contribution and service in the world. Humble will be. It will be specific. It is meant for certain people, places and situations. Right now, you can't understand it. You can only follow the path that Knowledge will lead you to, and have the faith to do so, and have the self-respect to trust this in yourself and in others.

For humanity to survive the Great Waves of change, for human civilization to remain intact and grow and expand in the face of the Great Waves of change, for human freedom and sovereignty to be built and strengthened in the face of the intervention of the universe that surrounds you, human the cooperation and cooperation of the religious traditions of humanity must be re-established and renewed, starting with you and your understanding, your heart and your mind.

Don't look at others here, because you have to align yourself with this first. Don't blame and condemn nations and leaders, no matter how ignorant they may seem, because you have to put your home in order: your mind, your emotions, your beliefs, your grievances. Allow God's New Revelation healing to free you from what is oppressing you and keep your mind small, living in darkness and confusion.

This is why Revelation is focused on the individual. Because everything that happens in the future will be based on the decisions of individuals and what informs those decisions. Will it be the power and presence of Knowledge within them? Or will it be the forces of persuasion in the world and the darkness of fear, anger and hatred?

The service and donations in the future will be great. The need will be so great. There will be entire regions of the world where people will be forced to leave. Who will receive them? Who will accept them? They will no longer be able to provide for themselves, as their lands will become arid. And the seas will rise, engulfing their ports and cities in the future. It will be a human need and a calamity on a scale never seen before.

Do not think that this is God's Will. It is the consequence of how humanity lived in this paradise which is now turning into a hellish environment. Step by step, day by day, humanity is devouring the world as fast as possible, without thinking about the future, contaminating the air, water and soil, without thinking about the future, greedily, like grasshoppers on earth.

This is ignorance. This is madness. You can understand what we are saying here. You can't live for the moment alone. You have to prepare for the future in all things. You can understand what we are saying here.

The Will of Heaven is that the religions of the world will all participate in the restoration of humanity, according to the needs of the people, not just according to their philosophies or ideologies. Everyone has to intervene to save the ship you all live on, because that ship is now taking water and leaning to one side.

This is the purpose of all the religions of the world: to feed people, take care of people, forgive people, bring people together. There can be no violence or contention between the religions of the world if they are understood correctly. These acts are a crime against God and against God's will and intentions for the Earth, for you and for all peoples.

Humanity must unite to protect itself from the great waves of change it has created and to prepare for its commitment, its risky commitment, to the intelligent life beyond.

You won't find this emphasis in world religions unless you search very deeply. You won't see it if you just live for the moment or if you look back. Because religion must be vital today and tomorrow and must prepare for the welfare of humanity by understanding that God created all the religions of the world and all have been changed by man.

Now they must return to their Source and the initial intention that created them and the intention that now requires them to unite each one in the service of the welfare of the peoples of the world, not only of their adherents, but of all peoples. In this, they become true servants of the human family. In this, they return to their initial purpose, the purpose for which they were given.

Only God's New Revelation for the world has the power of Heaven to do this. You may think that such a thing is not possible given where people are associating and how they think and behave. But here we are talking about the Will of Heaven, which can alter the course of human destiny if it can be received, if it can be accepted by enough people in the world.

Many will fight against this, of course, because it always happens in the moments of Revelation. It all depends on who can receive Heavenly Will now, standing on the threshold of a new world, standing on the threshold where humanity will have to choose to unite and persevere, or to descend into infinite chaos and self-destruction.

May you listen with your heart. May you open your mind for the Revelation. May you accept that you have been sent here for this purpose, to live in these times, to serve the world in these conditions and to prepare yourself and others for the great change that is coming.

This is the Will of Heaven, and within you, deep beneath the surface of your mind, you will know that this is true.