Woman becomes pregnant during the trial period and the employer hires her on a permanent basis instead of firing her

In complicated moments like the ones we are experiencing in which people without work become depressed and in the most desperate cases, end up taking their own lives, this story gives us hope. This is the story of Simona, a 32 year old woman, who when she gets pregnant, she doesn't lose her job but is hired on a permanent basis by her employer.


This story is ultimately the story of alland working women, too often forced to choose between the desire for motherhood and the work. Too often women are fired because pregnant, a gesture that often, due to the crisis, forces families to avoid giving birth to a child.

Simona Carbonella she is a 32 year old woman who is experiencing the most beautiful moment of her life: motherhood. Over her head, however, hangs the specter of work and the fear of being fired. Simona, in the period in which she became pregnant, was doing a trial period at a consultancy firm in Milan.

pregnant woman

The great gesture of the employer

At the moment of discovering motherhood, joy was mixed with the fear of losing her job. But luckily, her story will go completely differently than that of millions of other working women.

Alessandro Necchio, the manager of the studio who counts to his credit 35 employees, upon learning the news of the pregnancy, not only told her to stay calm, but also proposed a permanent contract. Simona, before those words is burst into tears, tears of gioia and of disbelief.


Today she is in her fourth month of pregnancy and her employer spoke of the happiness he felt upon hearing the news. He, son of separated parents and without children of his own, he would like to be the adult he would have needed when he was a child. What we have to say is that this great man not only learned to give what he did not receive, but transformed it into added value.