Who is my guardian angel? 3 steps to find it

Who is my guardian angel? You may ask yourself and you may be fully aware that you have a Guardian Angel; many of us have noticed their presence (especially during difficult or difficult times). However, you may still find yourself wondering, "Who is my guardian angel?" Do you want to know more about your guardian angel? In this article, we will explore two different ways you can find out how to identify your Guardian Angel and provide you with the names of the most common guardian angels.

How do I know my guardian angel? - The basics
Before we start exploring those right away, let's take a look at some basic information about Guardian Angels. What is the name of my guardian angel? You may find that this question repeats itself continuously in your mind.

But what is a guardian angel? We all have angels watching over us, but a Guardian Angel plays a slightly more personal role: they are with us from birth to death and probably beyond.

Feeling attracted to your Guardian Angel always symbolizes the beginning of spiritual change!

If you feel an inner call to look for your Guardian Angel, to learn their name and to communicate with them in new and exciting ways, then you could take your first steps on your spiritual journey.

What does my guardian angel mean?
There is some debate about who your guardian angel is. Some people see the Archangels with whom we are connected to birth as our Guardian Angels, while others see us as having an angel whose sole purpose is to watch over us for life. We will explore both options.

If it is true that God assigns an angel to watch over us from birth, then you will probably be curious about who this angel is. Since there is an unknown number of angels, there is also an unknown number of names.

There is a fairly simple technique to use, which will hopefully answer the question: who is my guardian angel?

Who is my guardian angel and how can I pray to my guardian angel?
Let's now explore the steps that will help you identify it:

Step 1
The first thing you want to do is go out into nature. Imagine you are in the woods. You want to be a quiet, peaceful and undisturbed place. If there are some empty fields or some woods, one of them would be perfect.

You may find help gathering and attuning to the tree's energy healing process. Remember, further away from the hustle and bustle of city life, you can get the best of it. Hearing machines or sirens will interrupt your goal here.

Once you find your place, you want to remove all restrictions on your body like watches, bags, tight jackets, hats, etc. If you wear socks and shoes, removing them can allow a natural flow of energy.

Step 2
You can stand or sit for this step. Just do what you find most comfortable. Start with a feeling of relief and peace, take a few deep breaths as if you were starting to meditate and allow all your thoughts and problems to simply leave your mind, body and spirit.

The clearer your mind can become here, the more likely your angel is to communicate with you. As you take a few deeper breaths, allow your consciousness to expand and begin to extend beyond the physical world.

3 pass
The final step is to reach your Guardian Angel. Can you repeat "who is my guardian angel?" over and over in your head or alternatively if you have already contacted your Guardian Angel before then you can ask them directly.

You can speak aloud or simply use your inner voice. Keep taking deep breaths and let your mind stay empty. A name will come to you: it may be immediately or you may have to be patient.

Do not force the appearance of a name and do not create one in your mind, simply let it appear and in this way, you will be able to respond to who is my guardian angel.

Other names of guardian angel
If you are still wondering: who is my Guardian Angel, then this method could be your best approach. Some people believe that we were born under the wing of an Archangel and that this angel is our Guardian Angel.

Finding the name of your guardian angel in these circumstances is drastically easier as there are only 12 Archangels to choose from and each one is connected to a zodiac sign.

So knowing your birth date or your zodiac sign allows you to know also the Archangel who is your guardian angel.

December 23rd and January 20th is the zodiac sign of Capricorn and your corresponding Archangel is Azrael;
January 21 st and February 19 th makes an Aquarius and your Guardian Angel would be Uriel;
February 20 ° and March 20 ° is Pisces and your Guardian Angel is Sandalphon;
March 21 st to April 20 th is the zodiac of Aries with the archangel Ariel;
April 21 st and May 21 st is Taurus and your Guardian Angel is Chamuel.
May 22nd to June 21 st is Gemini with Zadkiel as the Archangel
June 22nd to July 23rd is Cancer and Gabriel is the Archangel match.
July 24th to August 23rd is zodiacal Leo, which has Raziel as Keeper.
August 24th to September 23rd rd is Virgo and Metatron is the Archangel of this zodiac.
September 24th to October 23rd is Libra and their guardian angel is Jophiel.
24 October ° to 22 November ° is Scorpio zodiac and Jeremiel is the Guardian Angel.
November 23 rd to December 22 is Sagittarius and Reuel is the Archangel.
I hope this answers the question: who is my guardian angel? But if you're still in doubt, don't give up asking for help from other angels