How to pray to God to stay away from temptation

Le temptations are inevitable. As human beings, most of the time we are faced with many things that tempt us. They could come in the form of sin, hardship, health crisis, financial problems, or any other situation that makes us uncomfortable and could turn us away from God.

Most of the time, overcoming them is beyond our human power. We need God's grace.

As he wrote Saint Catherine of Bologna, the second weapon in the fight against evil is "believing that alone we can never do something really good". And again: "The more afflicted we are, the more we should rely on help from above."

On the same matter of temptation, St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 10: 12-13: “112 Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing must be careful not to fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you that was not human; however, God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength; but with temptation he will also give you the way out, so that you can endure it ”.

Here, then, prayer to be recited so as to have the strength to fight against temptations.

“Here I am, oh my God, at your feet!
I do not deserve mercy but, my Redeemer,
the blood you shed for me
it encourages me and obliges me to hope for it.
How many times have I offended You, repented,
yet I have fallen into the same sin again.
O my God, I wish to amend and to be faithful to you,
I will put all my trust in You.
Whenever I am tempted, I will immediately turn to You.
Until now, I have trusted my own promises and
resolutions and I neglected
commend myself to You in my temptations.
This has been the cause of my repeated failures.
From today on, be, Lord,
my strength, and so I can do everything,
because “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. Amen".

ALSO READ: Short prayers to recite when we are in front of a Crucifix.