Today's board 8 September 2020 from Sant'Amedeo di Lausanne

Saint Amedeo of Lausanne (1108-1159)
Cistercian monk, then bishop

Marial homily VII, SC 72
Mary, the star of the sea
She was called Mary for a design of divine Providence, that is star of the sea, to declare with her name what she shows most clearly in reality. (...)

Clothed in beauty, she is also clothed in strength, she is girded to calm the great waves of the sea with a gesture. Those who sail in the sea of ​​the world and those who invoke it with full confidence, she rescues them from the storm and the fury of hurricanes, leads them victorious to the shore of the blessed homeland. It cannot be said, my dearest ones, how many times some would have hit the rocks, risking to succumb, the others would have run aground on the rocks to never return (...) if the star of the sea, Mary always a virgin, had not half with his powerful help and if he had not brought them back, the rudder already broken and the boat smashed, devoid of any human help, to direct them, under his celestial guidance, towards the port of inner peace. All for the joy of winning new victories, for the new liberation of the condemned and for the growth of peoples, she rejoices in the Lord. (...)

She shines and is distinguished by her double charity: on the one hand she is fixed with immense ardor in God to whom she adheres being with him one spirit; on the other hand, she gently attracts and comforts the hearts of the elect and shares with them the extraordinary gifts that her Son's liberality gives her