The thought of Padre Pio on April 14, 2021 and the commentary on today's Gospel

Thought of the day of Padre Pio April 14 2021. I understand that temptations seem to stain rather than purify the spirit. But let us hear what the language of the saints is, and in this regard it is enough for you to know, among many, what Saint Francis de Sales says. That temptations are like soap, which spread on the clothes seems to smear them and in truth purifies them.

"God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him will not perish but may have eternal life." John 3:16

Today's Gospel and Jesus' discourse

We continue, today, to read from conversation that Jesus had with Nicodemus. The Pharisee who eventually converted and is revered as one of the first saints of the Church. Remember that Jesus challenged Nicodemus as a way to help him make the difficult decision to reject the malice of the other Pharisees and become his follower. This passage quoted above comes from Nicodemus' first conversation with Jesus. And it is often quoted by our evangelical brothers and sisters as a synthesis of the entire Gospel. And indeed it is.

gospel of the day

Throughout the chapter 3 of the Gospel of John, Jesus teaches light and darkness, birth from above, wickedness, sin, condemnation, the Spirit and much more. But in many ways, all that Jesus taught in this chapter and throughout His public ministry can be summed up in this brief and precise statement: “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that all who he believes in him he might not perish but he could have eternal life “. This brief teaching could be broken down into five essential truths.

First, the Father's love for humanity, and specifically for you, is such a deep love that there is no way we will ever fully understand the depths of His love.

Second, the love the Father has for us forced Him to give us the greatest gift we could ever receive and the greatest gift the Father could give: His divine Son. This gift must be meditated upon in prayer if we are to come to a deeper understanding of the Father's infinite generosity.

Third, as with prayer we go deeper and deeper into our understanding of this incredible gift from the Son, our only answer appropriate is faith. We must "believe in him". And our belief must deepen just as our understanding deepens.

The thought of the day April 14 and the Gospel

Fourth, we must realize that eternal death is always possible. It is possible that we "perish" eternally. This awareness will give an even deeper insight into the gift of the Son as we realize that the Son's first duty is to save us from eternal separation from the Father.

Finally, the gift of Son of the Father it is not only to save us, but also to take us to the heights of Heaven. That is, we are given "eternal life". This gift of eternity is of infinite capacity, value, glory and fulfillment.

Reflect today on this summary of the entire Gospel: "God loved the world so much who gave his only-begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life ”. Take it line by line, seeking in prayer to understand the beautiful and transforming truths revealed to us by our Lord in this holy conversation with Nicodemus. Try to see yourself as Nicodemus, a good person who is trying to understand Jesus and his teachings more clearly. If you can listen to these words with Nicodemus and accept them deeply in faith, then you too will share in the eternal glory these words promise.

My glorious Lord, you came to us as the greatest Gift ever imagined. You are the gift of the Father in Heaven. You were sent out of love for the purpose of saving us and drawing us into the glory of eternity. Help me to understand and believe in all that you are and to receive you as a saving Gift for eternity. Jesus I believe in you.

Commentary on the Gospel of April 14, 2021