Hail or Joseph righteous man, virgin spouse of Mary and Davidic father of the Messiah; You are blessed among men, and blessed is the Son of God who was entrusted to you: Jesus.

Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church, protect our families in peace and divine grace, and help us in the hour of our death. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O God, come save me. O Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father and the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, now and always, forever and ever, Amen.


We contemplate St. Joseph THE RIGHT MAN in the eyes of God. (Mt 1,18-21.24.).

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: his mother Mary being promised wife of Joseph, before they went to live together she found herself pregnant by the work of the Holy Spirit. Giuseppe her husband, who was right and did not want to repudiate her, decided to fire her secretly. But while he was thinking about these things, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said to him: «Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take your wife Mary with you, because what is generated in her is always by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you will call him Jesus: in fact he will save his people from their sins ». All this happened because what the Lord had said through the prophet was fulfilled: Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son who will be called Emmanuel, which means God with us. Waking up from sleep, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had ordered and took the bride with him, who, without his knowing her, gave birth to a son, whom he called Jesus.

Reflection: So St. Jun-seppe adhered, with full trust, to God's plan for himself. Do we also let ourselves be guided in our choices by the Word of God, by the Word of the Church? Pater, Glory to the Father. Hail or Joseph righteous man, virgin spouse of Mary and Davidic father of the Messiah; You are blessed among men, and blessed is the Son of God who was entrusted to you: Jesus. (10 times)


We contemplate S. Giuseppe THE VIRGINAL BRIDE of Maria SS. (Lk 1,34-38.)

Then Maria said to the angel-lo: “How is this possible? I know no man. "The angel replied:" The Holy Spirit will descend on you, on you the power of the Most High will cast its shadow. The one who will be born will therefore be holy and called the Son of God. See: Elizabeth, your relative, in her old age, has also conceived a son and this is the sixth month for her, which everyone said sterile: nothing is impossible for God " . Then Ma-ria said: "Here I am, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let what you have said be done to me." And the angel left her.

Reflection: The marriage between Baptized persons can be lived in a Christian way, worthily in only two ways, obviously, always in common agreement of the spouses (the communion of spirits is absolutely necessary in the spouses): it can be seen responsibly open you to procreation or verbally, for a special mission for the Kingdom of God. Christian spouses, according to St. Paul, 1 Cor. 7,29, should no longer be considered of this world. Pater, Gloria. Hail or Joseph righteous man, virgin spouse of Mary and Davidic father of the Messiah; You are blessed among men, and blessed is the Son of God who was entrusted to you: Jesus. (10 times)


St. Joseph is contemplated THE TRUSTED REFUGE in the land of Egypt (Mt 2,13-15.) Flight to Egypt and massacre of the innocent.

They had just left, when an angel of the Lord-king appeared in a dream to Jun-seppe and said to him: «Get up, take the child and his mother with you and flee to Egypt, and stay there until he warned you, because Herod is looking for the boy to kill him. " When Joseph woke up, he took the boy and his mother with him in the night and fled to Egypt, where he remained until Herod died, so that what the Lord had said through the prophet would be fulfilled: from Egypt I called my son.

Reflection: To defend their children in their material life, not only, but above all in their moral and spiritual life, Christian parents must face every sacrifice. Too many "erodes" are circulating in the world today with the greatest danger, especially for the little ones. Pater, Gloria. Hail or Joseph righteous man, virgin spouse of Mary and Davidic father of the Messiah; You are blessed among men, and blessed is the Son of God who was entrusted to you: Jesus. (10 times)


St. Joseph is contemplated THE WISE HEAD of the Holy Family of Nazareth (Mt 13,53-55a; Mk 6,1-3a; Lc 2.51-52.)

So he left from there and went to his homeland and the disciples followed him. When the Saba-to came, he began teaching in the synagogue. And many listening to him were amazed and said: "Where do these things come from?" And what knowledge is this ever given to him? And these stunts accomplished by his hands? Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, of loses, of Judas and of Simeon? And aren't your sisters here with us? " And they were scandalized by him. So he left with them and returned to Nazareth and was subject to them. Her mother kept all these things in her love. And Jesus grew in wisdom, age and grace in front of God and men.

Reflection: A family is based on the wisdom of the body: when there is dialogue to illuminate each other, and when there is common prayer to be illuminated from above. Pater, Gloria. Hail or Joseph righteous man, virgin spouse of Mary and Davidic father of the Messiah; You are blessed among men, and blessed is the Son of God who was entrusted to you: Jesus. (10 times)


We contemplate St. Joseph THE FAITHFUL OBSERVER of religious holidays. (Lk 2,41-43.)

“His parents went to Jerusalem every year for the Easter celebration. When he was twelve, they went up again according to the custom; but as the days of the feast passed, as they resumed their way back, the boy Jesus remained in Jerusalem, without the parents noticing.

Reflection: Therefore religion too must be lived "together" in the family. Parents should not say to their children: "Go to mass ... go to church ... go to confession. .. say the prayers! (when parents still perform this duty to re-call their children). The parents must instead say to the children: 'Let's go to Mass ...' Let's go to confession ... let's say the prayers together ". Family life is a life together, it is something strongly-minded and lived communitarian. Pater, Gloria. Hail or Joseph righteous man, virgin spouse of Mary and Davidic father of the Messiah; You are blessed among men, and blessed is the Son of God who was entrusted to you: Jesus. (10 times)