Our Lady listens to the pain of Martina, a 5-year-old girl, and grants her a second life

Today we want to tell you about an extraordinary event that occurred in Naples and which moved all the faithful of the Incoronatela Pietà dei Turchini church. It is a real miracle that involved the little girl Martina, a little girl of just 5 years old, who managed to be reborn thanks to the intervention of the Madonna.


Martina was born with one rare disease call atresia of the biliary tract, which leads to serious consequences such as the accumulation of bile in the liver and inflammation of the biliary tract. After months of suffering and wrong diagnoses, the little girl was transferred to the hospital Brescia to receive the necessary care. However, doctors found that Martina's liver was severely damaged damaged and the only solution was a transplant.

After a first failed attempt a compatible donor and Martina successfully underwent the transplant at the Palermo hospital. After more than a year of fighting the disease, the little girl is gradually returning to life calm and happy, as every child should have the right to live.

Our Lady listens to Martina's pain and grants him a second life

Martina's grandparents wanted it thank Our Lady for the miracle received, offering her a symbolic gift as a sign of gratitude. Their testimony was shared through social media, touching the hearts of all those who followed the story and prayed for little Martina's health.


This episode demonstrated the power of faith and prayer. Maria listened to the pain of Martina's family and wanted to donate to child a new chance of life.

The experience lived by Martina and her family is a strong example ofi hope and faith in a moment of great trial. The miracle that happened in Naples united the community and strengthened the devotion towards the Madonna, who continues to protect and guide her faithful.