Reflect today on how attentive you are to God in prayer

Reflect today on how attentive you are to God in prayer. Do you recognize the voice of the shepherd? Does he guide you every day, guiding you in His holy will? How attentive are you to what he says every day? These are some of the most important questions to ponder.

But whoever enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens to him and the sheep hear his voice, as the shepherd calls his sheep by name and leads them out. When he has cast out all his own, he walks in front of them and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice. John 10: 2–4

quick devotions

Recognizing God's voice is something many people struggle with. There are often many competing "voices" that speak to us every day. From the breaking news on the front page, to the opinions of friends and family, to the temptations around us in the secular world, to our self-drawn opinions, these "rumors" or "ideas" that fill our minds can be difficult to resolve. What comes from God? And what comes from other sources?

Recognizing God's voice is truly possible. First of all, there are many general truths that God has already told us. For example, everything contained in the Holy Scriptures is the voice of God. His Word is alive. And as we read the scriptures, we become more and more familiar with God's voice.

God also speaks to us through sweet inspirations that lead to His peace. For example, when you consider a certain decision you may have to make, if you present that decision to our Lord in prayer and then remain open to whatever He wants from you, His response often comes in the form of a deep and certain peace of heart. . Let's do this devotion to Jesus to have thanks.

Think if you listen to God's voice

Learning to recognize God's voice in your daily life is achieved by building an inner habit of listening, acknowledging, responding, hearing a little more, acknowledging and responding, etc. The more you listen to God's voice, the more you will recognize His voice in the subtlest of ways, and the more you come to hear the subtleties of His voice, the more you will be able to follow it. Ultimately, this is only achieved with an ongoing habit of deep and sustained prayer. Without this, it will be very difficult to recognize the voice of the Shepherd when you need him most.

Reflect today on how attentive you are to God in prayer. What does your daily prayer look like? Do you spend time each day, listening to the gentle and beautiful voice of our Lord? Are you trying to form a habit by which your voice becomes clearer and clearer? If not, if you are having a hard time recognizing His voice, then make the decision to establish a deeper habit of daily prayer so that it is the voice of our loving Lord guiding you each day.

Prayer Jesus, my good shepherd, speak to me every day. You are constantly revealing to me your most holy will for my life. Help me always recognize your gentle voice so that it can be guided by you through life's challenges. May my prayer life become so deep and sustained that Your voice always echoes in my heart and soul. Jesus I believe in you.